Membership in the Nova Scotia Archaeology Society is open to all persons endorsing the objectives of the Society. Membership entitles the individual to attend all Society functions, vote on Society matters and hold office. Members may invite guests to attend Society functions.
Throughout the year special events are held, including field trips and workshops, where members of the NSAS receive special priority. The Society produces a newsletter and holds monthly meetings that include presentations by guest speakers.
You may join the society and pay your membership fees by cash or cheque at any of our regular events. If you prefer to mail a cheque, you may use this form. Membership fees may also be paid securely from this page using PayPal. Use the buttons below.
Please join us in protecting and exploring Nova Scotia’s outstanding archaeological resources.
Regular Membership 2021/2022
Individual - $20
Student - $15
Senior - $15
Family - $25
Institution - $45